A firm might sometimes sell at a loss to drive a competitor out of business, and thereby increase its market power.
柯林斯例句In the airplane manufacturing industry, strong market power mainly comes from the typical duopoly market structure.
在民机制造业中, 强市场力量的形成主要源于典型的双寡头市场结构.
互联网The traditional industry has operating synergies and increase market power, and electronic industry increase managerial efficiency.
非电子业者较能获得营运综效与市场综效; 电子业则较能达成管理综效.
互联网Macro economy has positive effect on the operating synergies and market power.
互联网Market power can be in two forms : monopoly power and monopsony power.
互联网However, the market power of this ideal of all completely identical, and few and far between.
可是, 市场中这种理想的所有力量完全一致的情况, 并不多见.
互联网These theories use synergy , transaction costs, under valuation, market power to interpret M & A.
其中理论主要有协同效应理论 、 交易费用理论 、 价值低估理论和市场势力理论.
互联网Market power is the ability to influence prices.
互联网The result shows significant net operating gains and increase market power in non - conglomerate mergers.
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